NPB Dev Blog

New Blog


Welp, it was that time of year again. Time to rebuild the ole blog for the 45267th time. The last version of my blog was built with Gatsby, same as this new one, from the ground up, without the use of a pre-built starter, unlike this one.

One of the great features of Gatsby is the abilty to create, save and share starters, which are pre-designed Gatsby projects meant to provide a basic starting site in order to skip to what most consider the more important parts of building thier project. This ability for everyone to make custom starters is a bit of a double edged sword. While its great seeing and using a variety of site designs and styles, it can become a challenge not to end up with spaghetti code if you’re using your build process as a learning exersice.

I think that this is actually sort of an extension of similar that arises when learning to work with external packages, libaraires and frameworks. As someone who currently codes mainly for learning purposes, I’m defintely the type of person who wants to try working with a wide range of tools and methods, rather than picking a favorite and sticking with it. This might be a problem that everyone encounters at many different levels of thier personal development in software engineering. The confusion I feel when trying to decide which libaray to use when styling a website feels simialar to when I didn’t really know the difference between Ruby or JavaScript or C++, or React vs Angular vs Vue.

Anyway, I decided to rebuild this blog with the offical Gatsby Blog starter. More often than not, when I need to solve an issue, the docs are going to be the most helpful and complete.