NPB Dev Blog

Various ways to use React with Rails


I’ve spent the last few days reading about the various ways to use Ruby on Rails and React together to to build a web application. During my bootcamp I learn how to use Rails in a couple of different ways to build apps, first in a standard Rails only MVC style and then coupled with React using Rails as a backend API. I’d become curious if anyone has since developed a more integrated way to work with Rails and React together, rather than basically having 2 seperate apps working together. I found 2 other solutions which enable the use of React components with .erb files, allowing you to render JavaScrpit and React components directly in your Rails view files. Initially, I was drawn to the idea of working more heavily with Rails as my development tool rather than leaning on React. There are at least 2 people gems which are used to achive this functionality, react-rails and react_on_rails. Both of these gems use Babel to convert the jsx into erb, they differ in the ways that the views are eventaully rendered. The problem, however, is that I personally find this reduction in seperation of concerns to be less desireable. I kept finding myself trying to recreate the flow that create-react-app sets up out of the box. While I’m still not exactly sure which way is more performant, the Rails API method seems to be the most modular and scalable.

-Rails API -React on Rails -react-rails