NPB Dev Blog

Nick Baughman

Written by Nick Baughman a software developer who works with Ruby and JavaScript You should follow him on Twitter

AI is the New Web

March 17, 2023

I didn’t really get web version 1.0. I mean, I understood what it was and how people used it, but I think I was too young to really…

New Blog

July 02, 2020

Welp, it was that time of year again. Time to rebuild the ole blog for the 45267th time. The last version of my blog was built with Gatsby…

Code Structure

May 01, 2020

One of the nice things about with Ruby on Rails as a newbie is that the “convention over configuration” philosophy means that when working…

Data Visualization

April 26, 2020

I did a lot of work this week with diffrenet methods of data visualzation. The main and most powerful tool for data viz in JavaScript is D…

Various ways to use React with Rails

April 18, 2020

I’ve spent the last few days reading about the various ways to use Ruby on Rails and React together to to build a web application. During my…

Chrome Dev Tools

April 10, 2020

I decided to spend the day today learning about how to use Chrome DevTools. Using browser developer consoles is an integral part of…

Code Blocks

March 23, 2020

Yes! Some code! Here is the component!

Coronavirus Changes Everything

March 22, 2020

Two weeks ago my schedule was the busiest it’s ever been. A week full of interviews and a full work schedule made it seem like there weren’t…

Interviews Overload

March 08, 2020

I’ve done more interviews in the past week than I’ve done in my entire life combined. I survived my first whiteboarding session, although…

Customizing Bash

February 01, 2020

Now that I’ve been coding alomst daily for the better part of a year I figured it was time to set up some aliases to make using the termial…

Rails User Auth

January 30, 2020

I’ve spent the past week or so refreshing myself on/learning how to impliment user authentication in a Rails/React application. I’m working…

Migrating Blog to Gatsby Site

January 25, 2020

During the process of building my personal website I decided that I wanted to display my blog posts as well. Having already started this…

Gatsby Plugins and GraphQL

January 18, 2020

One of the main features of Gatsby (a static site generator based on React) are Plugins. “Gatsby plugins are Node.js packages that implement…

working with Gatsby

January 11, 2020

Gatsby is a React based static site generator. Gatsby makes the process of making simple static websites extremely efficient, allowing a…

Graduation Afterlife

December 14, 2019

5 months later I’ve graduated from the online software engineering bootcamp at Flatiron School. Now that I’m finished with the coding…


November 27, 2019

One more bootcamp blog post to cap things off. Somehow the last 5 months were both the longest and fastest 5 months of my life I think. The…

Project 5: React/Redux Rails

November 06, 2019

My final Flatiron School Online Software Engineering Bootcamp capstone project, titled ReOrder, is a fullstack web application utilizing a…

Project 3: Ruby on Rails

September 16, 2019

The task for our third module project in the Flatiron bootcamp is creating an app using Ruby on Rails. Rails is a framework that used the…

Project 2: Sinatra CRUD MVC

August 12, 2019

For my Sinatra module portfolio project I decided to make an app to build a fantasy football team roster. The requirements for this project…

Project 1: Ruby CLI Gem

July 12, 2019

For our first end of portfolio project we have been assigned to create a Ruby CLI Data Gem. I wanted the subject matter of my project to be…

One Month In

July 01, 2019

So I’ve got basically one month completed in the Flatiron School Software Engineering Online Full-time program. I’m heading into my first…